We are currently enrolling ages 15 months - 6 years old

Our tiered talent model meets your SMARTY where they’re at and gets
them on the fast track to premier performance in all areas of their life.

Our tiered talent model meets your SMARTY where they’re at and gets them on the fast track to premier performance in all areas of their life.

Our Proven Curriculum

Little Einsteins

  • Formal introduction to the alphabet and vocabulary development
  • Letter recognition and letter sounds, number recognition, shape and color identification
  • Nurturing the four domains of development: physical, language, socio-emotional, and cognitive
  • Comfortable & stimulating learning environment
  • Music, movement, and fun
  • Creative arts Engaging read-a-louds

Have a Little Einstein that you want to enroll?

Talented Twos

  • Phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, and vocabulary
  • Math concepts including classification, patterns, numeration, and one-to-one correspondence
  • Writing and fine motor skills
  • Sharing and caring
  • Interactive play

Got a Talented Two on your hands?

Up to Speed Threes

  • Mathematical operations and introduction to algebraic thinking
  • Measurement, geometry, and spatial awareness
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Introduction to scientific methods that provide opportunities for young children to ask questions, compare and observe
  • Literacy skills such as segmenting sounds, word recognition, spelling, and writing
  • Learning how to read for understanding

Got a Three who is up to speed or ready for the next level?

Fabulous Fours

  • Reading comprehension, sequencing events, and summarizing stories
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Introduction of sentence structure with punctuation and capitalization
  • Introduction to life, earth, and physical sciences
  • Introduction to history, geography, economics, and culture
  • Math concepts including time and money sense, place value, and properties of operations
  • Handwriting

School is right around the corner, we will have them fabulously ready!

Wise Fives

  • Grammar and writing structure
  • Reading skills such as making inferences, drawing conclusions, and identifying the main idea of a story
  • Math concepts including place value, regrouping, measurement, word problems, fractions, data collection, and graphing
  • Learning about culture, geography, history, and economics
  • Learning about life, earth, and physical sciences

Have a Wise Five? We will make them a wizard…a genius of course!

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